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IOCL Guwahati Refinery Recruitment of Secretarial Assistant, Accountant for total 12 posts

IOCL Guwahati Refinery Recruitment of Secretarial Assistant, Accountant for total 12 posts

Application are invited by Indian Oil Corporation IOCL Limited Guwahati Refinery, for the recruitment of Secretarial Assistant, Accountant (Non-Technical) Vacancies[Trade Apprentice]. Indian Oil Corporation Limited, releases notification for candidates for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 in the Disciplines mentioned below :

Name of the posts, number of posts, qualification:

(a) Trade Apprentice (Secretarial Assistant )                                                 

Number of posts : 10 [UR-7, ST-1, OBC(NCL)-02 ]                                     

Educational Qualification :3 year B.A/B.Sc/B.Com degree passed (with Minimum 55% in aggregate: 50% in case of ST/PwBD candidates)           

code- 101

(b) Trade Apprentice ( Accountant )                                                                                                          

Number of posts :02 [UR-1, (NCL)-01] 

Educational Qualification : 3 year B. Commerce degree passed (Minimum  55% in aggregate: 50% in case of PwBD)

*Reservation of SC/ST/OBC will be applicable as per prescribed reservation applicable to the state of Assam.    code- 102

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    Stipend: Stipend will be under the Apprentices Act, the Apprentices which will be paid as consolidated stipend of an amount equivalent to a prescribed percentage of the minimum wages applicable in the State. In addition to this, the Refinery authority pays Rs.2500/- per month to an apprentice towards stationery, conveyance and miscellaneous expenses etc.

    Note: Number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories. For any clarification(s), please contact: 0361-2657001/ grrecruitment@indianoil.in

How to Apply:

For details regarding required qualification, age. categories, other eligibility criteria of the above notified engagement and how to apply etc. visit the website www.iocl.com and go to ‘What’s New’ > click on Engagement of Non Technical Apprentices 2018 in IOCL, Refineries Division and apply on-line. It is mandatory to submit online application only.

IOCL Guwahati Refinery Recruitment of Secretarial Assistant, Accountant for total 12 posts

Important Dates:
Date of Online Application starts  : 13.01.2018 (10:00 Hrs.)
Last Date of Online Application : 03.02.2018 (17.00 Hrs.)
Last date to print application: 17.02.2018                                                                                                 Tentative Date of Written Test : 18.02.2018
Tentative Date of Publication of Written Test Result : 23.02.2018
Tentative Dates of Interview : 05.03.2018 – 06.03.2018

Important Link:

Official link- www.iocl.com

Click here for official notice

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