How to Apply Online For Mutual Transfer in Assam For TET Teachers ME and LP
How to Apply Online For Mutual Transfer in Assam For TET Teachers ME and LP : Posting matters a lot in Service life. Due to limited vacancy in native places people are posted across various regions. Many people are comparing posting to an unknown area as punishment and lost their job satisfaction. To ensure quality education in the elementary level and to ensure smooth services of the working teachers and to optimize job satisfaction amongst the teachers in fare and transparent manner, the Department of Elementary Education has adopted tie Guidelines mentioned here under of Mutual Transfer of services of Assistant Teachers working under the Department of Elementary Education, Assam, Sarva Srksha Abhijan Assam and under State Pool for current year.
1) Main Provisions
(i) The Guidelines shall be effective w.e.f .22.01 2018
(ii) Both intra and inter district mutual transfer among the Regular Assitant Teachers of Elementary Education Department (other than the districts of sixth schedule areas) and Contractual Assistant Teachers under SSA Assam and State Pool (other than the districts of sixth schedule areas) wi be conducted
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(iii) The mutual transfer will be materialized through online system
(iv) The mutual transfer will be done once in a year preferably in the month of January & February.
(v) The Guidelines will cover the elementary level regular teachers, contractual teachers and state pool teachers (for intra and inter district mutual transfer) working in the Government and Provincialized schools.
(vi)The Guidelines will enable the DEE to materialise the mutual transfer for Regular Teachers with the approval of Government
(vii)The Guidelines will enable the SSA to materialise the mutual transfer for Contractual Teachers and State Pool Teachers.
(viii)in case of intra district mutual transfer, the scope will be limited between Regular and Regular; Contractual and Contractual/ State Pool; State Pool and State Pool/ Contractual.
(ix) In case of inter district mutual transfer, the scope will be ljmited between Regular and Regular, Contractual and Contractual, State Pool and State Pool This has been done to maintain the respective cadre strengths
(x)The scope of mutual transfer will be opened for same category of teachers i.e. between Assistant Teacher-LP and Assistant Teacher-LP, Assistant Teacher-U P(SS)and Assistant Teacher-U P(SS), Assistant Teacher-U P (N/ &S) and Assistant Teacher-UP(M&S), Assistant Teacher-(Language) and Assistant Teacher-(Language), Assistant Teacher-(Science) and Assistant Teacher-(Science), Assistant Teacher-(Hindi) and Assistant Teacher (Hindi) etc.
(xi) The medium (Language-1 of TET) of both the applicant teachers will be considered for mutual transfer. Mutual transfer between same medium applicant will be allowed (in case of TET qualified applicants and in case of non-TET qualified applicants, the medium of school have to be same) in the process.
(xii) one teacher is allowed to apply with one co-applicant only. In any case a teacher cannot submit his/her online application with more than one teacher On receipt of more than one application from any teacher, such applications will summarily be rejected even after generation of transfer order
(xiii) One applicant teacher cannot change his/her choice/online application once he/she has completed the online application process. Petition for changing of choices/ online applications will not be entertained.
(xiv) Grievance redressal mechanism will be submitted in the online mutual transfer system.
(xv) In case of detection of false information submitted by applicants or violation of any provision/clause of this Guidelines, the transfer order shall stand cancelled.
How to Apply Online For Mutual Transfer in Assam For TET Teachers ME and LP
2) How to Apply for Mutual Transfer of TET Teachers ME and LP in Assam:
(i) Public Notice on submission of online mutual transfer application will be published in leading news papers of the state.
(ii)The online application system will be opened for receipt of online mutual application.
(iii) one teacher is allowed to apply with one co-applicant only on receipt of more than one application from any teacher, such applications will summarily be rejected even after generation of transfer order.
(iv) One applicant teacher cannot change his/her choice/online application once he/she has completed the online application process. petition for changing of choices/ online applications will not be entertained.
(v) The intending applicants will have to register themselves in the system for on ne mutual transfer application.
(vi) The proposal of mutual transfer will be uploaded in the official website for claim and objection (if any).
(vii) Public Notice will be given for receipt of claim and objection Claim and Objection will be received online. This can be submitted on following email id- . A hard copy will be submitted to DMC/DEEO of the respective district.
(viii) The District Office will send the claim and objection as per format to the State Mission Office, SSA/ DEE within stipulated time
(ix) Redressal of grievances will be done on the basis of the complaint (if any)
(x) The transfer order will be uploaded in the official website
(xi) The transferred teachers will have to join in the new place of posting with 1st week of February.
(xii)Within 15 days of issuance of the orders, the teachers aggrieved with the transfer order can represent to the Mission Director, SSA (in case of Contractual and State Pool Teachers) and Director, Elementary Education, Assam (in case of Regular Teachers) in writing. But he/she will submit his/her petition after joining at the new place of posting. Their representation shall be considered in accordance with the Guidelines and Government norms and appropriate decision shall be conveyed to them as deemed fit.
3) Exception
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Guidelines, the Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Assam, Elementary Education Department with the prior approval of the Government shall be the competent authority to materialise any mutual transfer in relaxation of any or all of the above provisions after recording reasons justifying such relaxation.
The above Guidelines is to be followed during the process of mutual transfer of Assistant Teachers under Elementary Education Department, Assam and Sarva Siksha Abhrlan Assam.
How to Apply Online For Mutual Transfer in Assam For TET Teachers ME and LP
Important Dates:
(i) The online application will be received w e.f 22nd January, 2018 to midnight of 7th February 2018.
(ii) proposal of mutual transfer will be uploaded in the official website for and objection (if any) to be addressed within 2nd week of February
(iii) Redressal of grievances will be done in the 3rd week of February 2018
(iv) The transfer order will be uploaded in the official website in the 4th week of February, 2018.
(v)The transferred teachers will have to join in the new place of posting with in 4th week of February, 2018.
Important Link:
Cliick here to download official notice of Mutual Transfer of TET Teachers ME/LP in Assam
Click here to Download List of Cancelled Reference No. and Money Refund Request receive from teachers
Click here to Download List of Cancelled application Due To Non Verification by the Principal
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