Child Development and Pedagogy Online mock test Solved paper 5 for TET Assam Exam and B Ed D El Ed exam
Child Development and Pedagogy Online mock test Solved paper 5 for TET Assam Exam and B Ed D El Ed exam
Child Development and Pedagogy Solved paper : We are happy to bring you the 15 questions of previous year solved answer key of ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT OF of “CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY. ” Students preparing for upcoming TET Assam exam and pursuing B.Ed , D.El.Ed may also find these questions helpful. Through this Online solved paper for Teachers eligibility test, TET exam ASSAM you can check your preparation for the exam . Here we try to provide you the expected pattern of question paper.
This solved question paper of CTET PREVIOUS YEAR EXAM is set by ‘s team . We provided this online test only for our website readers, which means we want help our website readers on their preparation for the exam. In this test we provide only 15 number of questions. The number of questions on the actual question paper will be different and the pattern of questions may not be same. Please appear all 15 questions questions of TET EXAM “CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY SUBJECT” to know your score. Keep visiting our site to get more solved question papers of TET EXAM and other government exams.
Child Development and Pedagogy Online mock test Solved paper 5 for TET Assam Exam and B Ed D El Ed exam
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1. Individual learners differ from each other in
2. Constructivism as a theory
3. A creative learner refers to one who is
4. Every learner is unique means that
5. Heredity is considered as a ______social structure.
6. Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learnt is important because
7. Development of concepts is primarily a part of
8. The most intense and crucial socialization takes place
9. Theory of learning which totally and only depends on ‘observable behaviour’ is associated with ______ theory of learning.
10. Creative answers require
11. Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as
12. According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years age), a child learns best
13. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to
14. Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of students should be followed by
15. Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of ‘learning’ ?
Child Development and Pedagogy Solved paper 5 for TET Assam Exam and B Ed D El Ed exam
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Child Development and Pedagogy Online mock test Solved paper 5 for TET Assam Exam and B Ed D El Ed exam
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