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Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017 for total 11 posts

Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017 for total 11 posts

Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017: Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute (BBCI) was set up by a voluntary organization called ‘Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Society Trust’. Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah (4th September 1893 – 25th September 1956) was a great physician, freedom fighter and philanthropist of Assam. In 1958 at a public meeting in Guwahati, a decision was taken to set up a cancer hospital at Guwahati to commemorate the memory of Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah. 

Applications are invited for various ad-hoc posts mentioned below at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwhati-781016 under advertisement No. BBCI/Misc-27/RPP-IV/ Adv. / 3968 / 2017

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Name of the post, Vacancies and Salary:



Name of Post No. of Post Consolidated Salary
1 LDA-cum-Computer Operator 2 (two) Rs. 12,000/-pm
2 Accounts Clerk 1 (one) Rs. 12,000/-pm
 3 Receptionist 1 (one) Rs. 12,000/-pm
4 Medical Counselor 1(one) Rs. 18,000/-pm
5 Social Investigator 2 (two) Rs. 18,000/-pm
6 Clinical Coordinator 3 (three) Rs. 10,000/-pm
7 Librarian 1 (one) Rs. 25,000/-pm

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Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017 for total 11 posts

Age : Below 30 years (Relaxable in exceptional cases).

Required Educational Qualification:

  1. LDA-cum-Computer Operator:

Graduate with DOEACC ‘A’ Level Diploma in Computer Sciences from a recognized Government Institution with minimum 2 years experience of working in hospital set-up and typing proficiency with software knowledge.

2. Accounts Clerk :

Commerce graduate with Accountancy with minimum 2 years Accountancy working experience.

3. Receptionist:

Graduate with command in English, Hindi and local regional languages with minimum 2 years working experience as Receptionist in hospital / diagnostic setup.

4. Medical Counselor :

M.Phil in Clinical Psychology from a recognized University

5. Social Investigator:

Master degree in Sociology / MSW from a recognized university with minimum 2 years working experience in hospital set-up

6. Clinical Coordinator:

Science Graduate with one year working experience in health related institution. Candidate must have biology as one subject in Class-XII standard.

7. Librarian :

Master Degree in Library Science from a recognized university with minimum 3 years working experience.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates may submit their application in the prescribed format supported by attested copies of certificates & mark-sheets To the Director, Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati-781016 on or before 10th November 2017.

Application may also be submitted through e-mail ‘bbci_info@yahoo.co.in’. The candidates who submitted their applications through e-mail will require submission of their application along with attested copies of certificates during the time of interview.

Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017 for total 11 posts

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  • Candidates with working experience in respective field will be given preference.
  • Appointment will be made for one year. 
  • The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
  • The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date of submission of applications, will not be considered.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn’t bestow right to a candidate to be called for interview.
  • The Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof. The Management of Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute will not be responsible for rejection of applications due to late postal delivery or lost in transit. The list of eligible candidates for appearing in the interview / practical test will be published in the website of the Institute www.bbcionline.org (bulletin-advertisement section) on 14th November 2017 and no separate call letter will be issued to the candidates.
  • For the post of LDA-cum-Computer Operator, only candidates who qualified in the practical test will be allowed to appear in the interview.

Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute recruitment 2017 for total 11 posts

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Important Dates:

The last date for submission of application :10th November, 2017.

Date & time of Practical Test for LDA-cum-Computer Operator: 17th Nov’ 2017 at 10:00 AM

Date of interview  for LDA-cum-Computer Operator: 23-11-2017 at 11:00 AM

Date of interview for other posts: 21,22 & 23 rd November 2017 (for details visit the official notice)

Important link:

Click here to join Assam’s largest facebook group for job updates

Click here for official website

Click here to download official notice and Application Form